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Problem with salesforce API 250 rows returned

Hi all,

I am using salesforce api to pull data through a created connected app that was created through Build>Create>Apps.


On the other side (my custom application), looks like I am getting only 250 records where there should be much more. I have looked through most of documentation, but was unable to find place to regulate amount of rows returned per call.


Do you have any advice on where can I start to look for an answer?

Thank you,


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
For every query call Salesforce returns data in blocks of limited records. This is inherent due to multi-tenant setup and not restricted to API's but internally within the application too. What you will need is a use the querymore API call passing in the queryLocator from the original query call. This will get the data to your in batches. See the implementation here that should help you.

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