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I have post a thread:'


I need help on this urgent or should I consider that nobody had worked on Salesforce Twitter integration yet.






OAuth  (Open Authorization)  is an open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standardized way from desktop, web applications. The platform implements the  OAuth  2.0 standard, so users can authorize applications to access resources (via the REST and SOAP Web Service APIs) on their behalf without revealing their passwords or other credentials to those applications. Alternatively, applications can directly authenticate to access the same resources outside the context of an end user.



To begin with OAuth authentication, you will first have to create an App in your twitter account.


After Creating the App you will get the following values.

a. OAuth Service Name

b. Access Token URL

c. Authorization URL

d. Consumer Key     

e. Consumer Secret

f. Request Token URL



After this you can do the Oauth Authentication to get the Access token.


Now in order to Authenticate you can make use of the OAuth , AuthController  classes .


OAuth class =


AuthController  classes =


Once Complete Authentication is done, then you store those permanent credentials (i.e., Access token) because they are used (along with your Consumer key and Consumer secret) to sign (i.e., authenticate) HTTP requests to Twitter’s APIs.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 



Thanks a lot for your kind help.


Actually I have tried this. 

Request Token URL
Access Token URL
Consumer Key someKsy
Consumer Secret soemSecret
Authorization URL


I have setup all these values, now when I try to authorize it,  it throws error to me:
Problem: Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = 401. Message: Unauthorized. Response Body: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob' /oauth/request_token


I have setup complete OAuth Playground package in org.

