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Users in the Standard user profile are getting the following error message when they tried to execute a Java Script that creates a record the custom object – PricingRequest__c.

 Faultcode:’sf:INVALID_TYPE,faultstring:INVALID_TYPE:sObject type ‘PricingRequest__c’ is not supported. 

Here is the code:

    //#####################################    //Handle the Database interaction for the Pricing Request Object    function UpdatePricingRequest(){                   //If an existing Pricing Request is being edited, no datanbase updates for the pricing Request Object      if( prid != "null") return;                 // Creating a new Pricing Request, update the database.       try       {         var pr = new sforce.SObject("PricingRequest__c");                  //Populate the fields on the Pricing Request Object         pr.Opp_Name__c = ['{!}'];         pr.Status__c = ['New'];          pr.PR_Flag__c = 0;         pr.Sales_rep__c = ['{!opportunity.Owner.Name}'];         //Save the Pricing Request Object into the database              var result = sforce.connection.create([pr]);          //Check if a PricingRequest Object was successfully saved in the database                    if (result[0].getBoolean('success')) {                            prid = result[0].id;             databaseUpdate = ['success'];         } else {             databaseUpdate = ['failed'];             alert("Failed to create Pricing Request: " + result[0]);                      }       } catch(e) {         alert("Create Pricing Request ERROR: " + e);                    databaseUpdate = ['failed'];       }



The Administrator’s profile was able to execute the script without error, but the Standard User profile failed.  Do you know why there are getting this error?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Apparently, you have to give access to the new custom objects and VisualForce pages from the user's profile. And you have to check the "Customize Application" checkbox under the same profile.

All Answers


Here is the code:
    //Handle the Database interaction for the Pricing Request Object
    function UpdatePricingRequest(){     
      //If an existing Pricing Request is being edited, no datanbase updates for the pricing Request Object
      if( prid != "null") return; 
      // Creating a new Pricing Request, update the database.
         var pr = new sforce.SObject("PricingRequest__c");
         //Populate the fields on the Pricing Request Object
         pr.Opp_Name__c = ['{!}'];
         pr.Status__c = ['New'];
         pr.PR_Flag__c = 0;
         pr.Sales_rep__c = ['{!opportunity.Owner.Name}'];
         //Save the Pricing Request Object into the database    
         var result = sforce.connection.create([pr]);

         //Check if a PricingRequest Object was successfully saved in the database          
         if (result[0].getBoolean('success')) {              
             prid = result[0].id;
             databaseUpdate = ['success'];
         } else {
             databaseUpdate = ['failed'];
             alert("Failed to create Pricing Request: " + result[0]);
       } catch(e) {
         alert("Create Pricing Request ERROR: " + e);          
         databaseUpdate = ['failed'];


Apparently, you have to give access to the new custom objects and VisualForce pages from the user's profile. And you have to check the "Customize Application" checkbox under the same profile.

This was selected as the best answer