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best practice editing multiple related objects from one screen

We have the requirement for a user to create/edit multiple related objects. We wish to do this quickly and easily from one central screen to minimise navigation and pressing multiple save/edit buttons. Could build something like this in Visualforce but wonder if there are other solutions/suggestions on how to do this by leveraging the native features of Salesforce as much as possible.


Hi there,


Creating multiple records at once is tricky, I think it can only be done through apex and visualforce. However, we have a similar requirement in terms of mass editing and we found a great app in the AppExchange that is unmanaged so highly editable. It is here:


It's through salesforce labs and highly reliable. It comes with instructions and templates so you can add the functionality on custom objects. This allows for mass edit and mass update on both related lists and your tab list. You just have to edit the code to imply which fields on your object you want to make available for mass edit (again, there are instructions that are pretty easy to follow).


Hope this was helpful, I know it only addresses half of your question, but hopefully it's a step towards making your product more useful.




Thanks for the input although that is not quite my scenario. What I have is the requirement to edit the account object which has multiple different custom objects related to it. So there is the requiement to edit 1 account together with 4-5 single instances of different custom objects related to it.