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Execute report with cross filter parameter

The normal technique for linking to a report and passing in a filter parameter looks like this: (link to report) /00OS0000000wwZD?pv0={!Agency_Group__c.Id} where pv0 is mapped to the first filter value on the report.  I have a report with ''cross filter' criteria and want to pass a parameter into the cross filter condition.  I looked at the report XML and the cross filter filter is labeled as sfpv0_0.  I tried linking to the report but it's not executing with the passed value:   (link to report) /00OS0000000wwZD?sfpv0={!Agency_Group__c.Id}  Is this supported yet?




I have encountered the exact same problem.


Do you manage to resolve it ?


SF premier support confirmed that passing a parameter to a report cross filter is not yet supported.  I ended up replacing the SF report with an Apex program and VF page.  In the Apex program I was able to use a subselect in the SOQL like this:

Select ... Where ... and Account__c in ( Select Account__c from Agency_Group_Account__c where Agency_Group__c = :AgencyGroupid) .  If your report is Summary rather than Detail, SOQL using SUM(), you will get results back as an 'AggregateResults' object not the table object. 

Kevin DillonKevin Dillon



I was able to use URL parameters to pass in a cross filter value when I constructed a URL for Conga PointMerge button. Instead of using sfpv0_0 syntax, I just used pv0 and that seemed to work fine.


Hope that helps,



I've tried this with sfpv0 and with pv0 and I can't get it to work. Anyone else get this to work?