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Unable to Add Custom Object Record from Customer Portal



I have an inline VF page for case object. This page displays all the records from a custom object which is child to the case.

But due to some reason this is not workin for customer portal user, while the same works perfectly for admin.


Apart from that when I try to add records in custom object using UI from portal it throws ReadOnlyDataException to me.

Can anyone help me here?






Its seems you have not granted the correct Standard Object and custom object Permissions to the object that you need to access, In order to give the permission Edit the user's profile and make the required changes there (set the Standard Object Permissions for the case object and Custom Object Permissions your custom object  ).


Also check your sharing setting (Administration Setup->Security Controls-> Sharing Settings).This page displays your organization's sharing settings. These settings specify the level of access your users have to each others' data.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 


OWD is read/write for both case and custom object .

I am able to see the case record from portal profile but not the custom oject records.