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Question regard Integrating existing java/j2ee with the salesforce

Hi All,

I have a simple question which needs an answer for me to begin developing.

I have a java/j2ee that uses jboss 4.2.3 AS, developing with myeclipse which based on eclipse 3.3
Now i want to build integrated application with salesforce, i know now that you call it composite application.
That integrated application will be constructed as follow:
1) Most of the logic will remain in my place, servers at the web.
2) Part of the logic will be located at sales force.

My questions are as follow:
1) From what i understand i can connect saleforce using web service (WSDL, SOAP) in my case using the jboss, is that right?
2) Do you have samples of code for that ?
3) Regard above (2), it means using the simple way of creating applications or using APEX (eclipse ide + "force" ide?).

Thanks in advance for all the answers,
1. yes, connect from java via web services using your choice of soap toolkits, jboss probably has a version of axis bundled with it.
2. see the java quickstart and the api docs, both contain plenty of java samples.
3. I don't quite follow your question, but you can use the eclipse plugin to write apex code and to do other platform development work.