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Update Account Share Object through data loader - Error

Hi All,


I need to update the Account, Opportunity and Case access for an Account Team Member. Account shluld be Read Only while Oppty and Case should be Private. 


I tried exporting the Account Share Object and update the Account, Opportunity and Case access fields to READ, NONE, and NONE respectively using data loader. But I get an error saying Invalid record Id and sometimes I get; iNTEGRITY EXCEPTION: ROW CAUSE (cannot update sharing row with this cause)..pls advise what can be done to fix this.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Figured out. I just filtered my query by adding rowcause =  'Team'.

All Answers




I tried the following code to update the Case Access Level.


List<AccountShare> accShareUpdate = new List<AccountShare>();

Id accId = x;

List<AccountShare> accs = [select UserOrGroupId, CaseAccessLevel,AccountId from AccountShare where AccountId =: x];

for(AccountShare accShare: accs)


accShare.CaseAccessLevel = 'Edit';


update accShareUpdate;


Let me know if it works.





Figured out. I just filtered my query by adding rowcause =  'Team'.

This was selected as the best answer