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SOAP setupbriefcase message question

When querying schema, layout, and data for the briefcase, when am I supposed to use the setupbriefcase message?
Do I just do this call once after login?
At some point between login and doing any briefcase scoped queries, you need to call setupBriefcase once.
For several of the object types, I'm still getting several times more records with the SOAP API than with the XML-RPC API.

For example, for my test account, when I query contacts I'm getting about 6810 records with the SOAP API and 571 records with the XML-RPC API.
Is there another SOAP setting I need to set somewhere to get queries filtered for the briefcase? 

Are you include the briefcase scope in your SOQL queries ? e.g. Select Id, LastName from Contact using briefcase

Thanks... it now works fine :)