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Correct way to Exit Sub when no account number is found.

I am trying to query an account number and when it is found I pop open Sforce. But when it is not found, I wish to do nothing.
the problem is I am getting an instance cannot be set error. Is this the correct way to check the records from the query? (See below)
Here is the code:

qr = binding.query("select id, accountnumber from Account where accountnumber = 1")

Dim bContinue As Boolean = True

Dim loopCounter As Integer = 0

While bContinue

loopCounter += 1

lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "Results Set " & Convert.ToString(loopCounter) & " - ")

For i As Integer = 0 To qr.records.GetUpperBound(0)

Dim c As sforce.sObject = qr.records(i)

Dim accountNum As String = getFieldValue("id", c.Any)

If accountNum Is Nothing Then



'Pop open

End If

You actually need to check to see if the result set has any records, looking at a field in a null result set will give you an error.


qr = binding.query("select id, accountnumber from Account where accountnumber = 1")

' Check for results - I'm not sure how to check this

If qr.records.upperbound() = 0 then

     Exit Sub

End if

Dim bContinue As Boolean = True

Dim loopCounter As Integer = 0

While bContinue


It looks like this works so far.Code:
If (qr.size = 0) Then