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Need a custom VisualForce page

Hi all,

I need to develop a visual force page, and would like someone to guide me / develop it for me.

The page is very simple,

  1. Query my custom object for all records,
  2. Group by date,
  3. Display a list of dates, where each date is a link to a view (inline editable) of those records owned by that link.
  4. This Visualforce page is to be made into a tab in Salesforce.
Please contact me with any ideas, questions, offers.

I represent ProActive Recruitment Ltd. which is based in London, UK.
find me on skype: benhizak

Please see my other request for development, I would prefer a developer that would do both.
My Mobile: +44 75 0403 6430

HI there,-95


I just spoke to you over the phone, Please contact me at with more details and I can perform this task for you or you can call me at 951-403-1102.



Message Edited by Aashika on 10-24-2008 08:28 PM
Hi If it is still available please contact me @


We have excellent consultants available who can be suitable for the requirement.

Please contact me at .

Thanks & Regards