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bill hayhowbill hayhow 

Error looping through queryresult - limit 100?

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with Classic ASP.  I started running a working Salesforce application on a new conputer and I'm getting an error that I don't get on either the server or on other computers. 

When looping through a queryresult, I get an 'unknown exception' error when I reach record number 100.  My code looks something like this:

Set sf_queryresult = SforceApi.Query("select Name, ID from account", False)
if sf_queryresult.size > 0 then
 x = 0
 For Each sf_record In sf_queryresult
  x = x + 1
  'do something with sf_record
end if

The 'unknown exception' occurs on the 'next' statement with the value of x equal to 100.

Is there a configuration setting somewhere that limits a query to 100 records?  I've checked the documentation, and the limits appear to be much higher than this.

I would appreciate any help that I can get on this.  Thank you.


What OS are you running on?


Can you post a reproducible test case?



bill hayhowbill hayhow

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 on Windows XP Pro, SP2.

Here is test code that works:

Set sf_queryresult = SforceApi.Query("select Name, ID from account", False)
if sf_queryresult.size > 0 then
 x = 0
 For Each sf_record In sf_queryresult
  x = x + 1
  if x >= 99 then exit for
 response.write(x & " accounts")
end if

If I take out the 'if x >=99 then exit for' line, then I get this error:

  • Error Type:
    Unspecified error
    /slap01/test.asp, line 37

    Any ideas?