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Switch Web service between Live and Sandbox

How do you switch your .net app between connecting to Produciton and Sandbox web services?

I have code working on my Developer orgI now want to  move to my Sandbox.

I generated the WSDL on my developer org, and just copied the Apex classes to my sandbox and have not regenerated the WSDL for it.

private const string _url = "";

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!isConnected())
MyService ws = new MyService();
ws.Url = Application["_serverUrl"].ToString();
ws.Proxy = getProxy();
ws.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader();
ws.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = Application["_sessionId"].ToString();
string foo= ws.HelloWolrd("bar");


public WebProxy getProxy()
System.Net.WebProxy proxy = System.Net.WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy();
proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
return proxy;

public bool isConnected()
bool functionReturnValue = false;
if (Application["_sessionId"] != null )
if (DateTime.Now < (DateTime)(Application["_nextLoginTime"]) )
return true;
return false;

public void getSessionInfo()
SforceService ss = new SforceService();
ss.Proxy = getProxy();
ss.Url = _url;
LoginResult lr = ss.login(_userId, _password);
if (!lr.passwordExpired)
Application["SforceService"] = ss;
Application["_sessionId"] = lr.sessionId;
Application["_serverUrl"] = lr.serverUrl;
Application["_nextLoginTime"] = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_sessionTime);

this code works fine on my developer edition, but I cannot get it working on my sandbox.

The value for 

serverUrl = ""

The error I get is:


 No operation available for request {}HelloWolrd

Message Edited by dke01 on 11-29-2009 03:35 PM
Message Edited by dke01 on 11-29-2009 03:37 PM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

In the auto-generated cs file that was created from the WSDL, add a contructor that can get a URL.


For example, when I use the Enterprise WSDL, the c'tor looks like that


public SforceService()
            this.Url = "";


You need to edit the file and add another c'tor


public SforceService(string url)
            this.Url = url;


This is common not only when using but when using other web services as well

All Answers


I got it working by looking at the WSDL on the sandbox and saw that the end point URL is


<soap:address location =


So I just change the  MyService end point URL dynamically to this and it works.


In the auto-generated cs file that was created from the WSDL, add a contructor that can get a URL.


For example, when I use the Enterprise WSDL, the c'tor looks like that


public SforceService()
            this.Url = "";


You need to edit the file and add another c'tor


public SforceService(string url)
            this.Url = url;


This is common not only when using but when using other web services as well

This was selected as the best answer