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trying to connect to our Sandbox with API using PERL

Hello all,


I am attempting to make a connection to our SandBox environment programatically with the API.

When I connected to our production environment, I did so using PERL as follows:

use WWW::Salesforce::Simple;

my $sforce = WWW::Salesforce::Simple->new(
    'username' => $user,
    'password' => $pass,

the wsdl.jsp file contains the line:

<port binding="tns:SoapBinding" name="Soap">
   <soap:address location=""/>

This worked fine.

However, what I want to do is connect to the SandBox environment.

I appended  ".<our sandbox name>"   to the end of the username.
(I was able to login successfully with this username and it's password at with

a Web browser so I know my credentials are correct).

In the wsdl.jsp file I tried both the above snippet as well as:

<port binding="tns:SoapBinding" name="Soap">
   <soap:address location=""/>

My Perl script that I am using to try to connect is:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use WWW::Salesforce::Simple;

my $user = '<the username I successfully used on Web browser with sandbox name appended>';
my $pass = '<our password>';

my $sforce = WWW::Salesforce::Simple->new(
    'username' => $user,
    'password' => $pass,

print "done\n";

When I run this script I get the following error:

INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username or password or locked out. at ./ line 10


Not sure how to resolve this. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.






Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

bkus got it right.  The $SF_PROXY inside of need to be set to the "test" URL to connect to the Sandbox.


So withouth modifying the file itself my resulting connection Perl code looks like this:


  my $my_serverurl = '';

  my $user = '<my url>.<my sandbox name>';
  my $pass = '<my password>';

  my $sforce = WWW::Salesforce::Simple->login(
      'username' => $user,
      'password' => $pass,
      'serverurl' => $my_serverurl



That's it. It works. You can set a flag to determine whether to go to "test" (sandbox) or "www" (production) instance.



Cheers and thanks for the help!

All Answers



Edit:  Your secuirty token in the sandbox is probably out of date if you have changed it in your production environment since building your sandbox. 

Message Edited by Bolton on 02-27-2009 06:38 AM
I did encounter that same problem trying to connect to sandbox from PHP script. Changing password and reseting token doesn't helps. I am getting identical: Invalid username or password or locked out... message. Pawel
Did you append your security token to your password?

let's say my username was   and my sandbox name is "test1" 


I successfully logged on to our Sandbox via Web browser using  as a username using the same password as for the production site.


I did not append anything to my password when attempting this connection via API.


I'll look into resetting password and updating security token.

Certainly yes. I have no problem connecting to the production SF account. I can also easilly connect to my developer account on SF. But for sandbox login and password with attached token do not seems to work. Pawel. 
RanSRanS I reset the security token. Sounded like exactly what I was missing.


Let's say my login name is ""

and my password is "password"  and security token is now, let's say, "ABCDE".


My script looks as follows:



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use WWW::Salesforce::Simple;

my $user = '';
#premium support password + security token
my $pass = 'passwordABCDE';

my $sforce = WWW::Salesforce::Simple->new(
    'username' => $user,
    'password' => $pass,

print "done\n";



When running this script I still get:


INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username or password or locked out. at ./ line 11


Hi. Now it works... Finally!

Hi Pawel999, what did you do to get it to work?




No, it doesn't works :(


I am possibly to much tired. I've put the login/password data valid for production account.


Anyway I've got now the SOAPExeption saying: Fatal error: SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders() [<a href='soapclient.--setsoapheaders'>soapclient.--setsoapheaders</a>]: Invalid SOAP header in /home/xform/temp/temp/soapclient/SforceBaseClient.php on line 274


I'll try to connect to SF using SOAPClient class, then I'll let you know.



Function __getLastRequest gives the answer similar to that:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:login><ns1:username>mylogin_mysandbox</ns1:username><ns1:password>mypassword_mytoken</ns1:password></ns1:login></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope> " ns1:INVALID_LOGIN 


So it is formatted well. Possibly sanboxes have a limited functionality, which excludes logins from Perl/PHP scripts. Pawel 

I generated new WSDL file for my sandbox and it started to work. Pawel

downloading the wsdl.jsp again didn't help. Did you make any changes to it at all ( from to )?


Did you use SOAP to make it work? I am still attempting to use the perl script I had mentioned above :-(


Any help appreciated...


I had the same issue, but I got it working by modifying my file to change the url to the sandbox:

$SF_PROXY = '';


Note that I am using a slightly older version of (0.081) because I had to hack it up in other ways, but I think the newer versions should work the same.





bkus got it right.  The $SF_PROXY inside of need to be set to the "test" URL to connect to the Sandbox.


So withouth modifying the file itself my resulting connection Perl code looks like this:


  my $my_serverurl = '';

  my $user = '<my url>.<my sandbox name>';
  my $pass = '<my password>';

  my $sforce = WWW::Salesforce::Simple->login(
      'username' => $user,
      'password' => $pass,
      'serverurl' => $my_serverurl



That's it. It works. You can set a flag to determine whether to go to "test" (sandbox) or "www" (production) instance.



Cheers and thanks for the help!

This was selected as the best answer