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Force.Com Website (and, Integration with SalesForce) Project

Our Project is the development and deployment of a public-facing Website (, including several Form Pages within it and integrated with SalesForce for the collection of information from users of the Site.  


Besides elements like text, data fields, radio buttons, and drop-down boxes these Forms also include various ‘rich’ elements, such as: 


1.      Horizontal Slider Control with Multiple Thumbs


     Dual thumb widget slider controls are used for selecting a range of values to filter.  One thumb widget sets the minimum value on the slider and the other thumb widget sets the maximum value on the slider.




·        Yahoo YUI Library (Horizontal Slider Control with Two Thumbs)


·        Adobe Flex 3:




2.      Tooltip


     When a user moves the mouse pointer over graphical components, ToolTips pop up and text appears. You can use ToolTips to guide users through working with your application or customize them to provide additional functionality.





3.      Window Shade


This control displays a button, which when clicked, will cause a panel to "unroll" beneath it like a window shade being  pulled down; or if the panel is already displayed it will be "rolled up" like a window shade being rolled up. When multiple Window Shades are stacked in a VBox, the result will be similar to an mx.containers Accordian container, except that multiple Window Shades can be opened simultaneously whereas an Accordian acts like a tab navigator, with only one panel visible at a time. (










·        Form Wrapped Inside an Accordian:


Likewise, the Project requires the integration of the information and data collected from these Form Pages with corresponding custom objects within SalesForce.


Skills required for this Project include:


·        HTML, DHTML, Flex, and APEX


·        VisualForce


·        APEX ‘triggers


This Project is very well documented - including a detailed schematic including various wireframes describing the Website layout – and is available for your review in order to understand the full scope of the work required.


We look forward to hearing from you!

Message Edited by KenTay on 09-08-2009 11:39 AM
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Dear Sirs,


Please consider Mansa Systems for this project.  We have recently started a project that is very similar to this one and we can provide you with a very cost-effective project quote.


For more information,  please contact:


Thomas M. Gibbs IIIDirector, Business DevelopmentMansa Systems916-652-5520- Office916-955-4409-

All Answers


Dear Sirs,


Please consider Mansa Systems for this project.  We have recently started a project that is very similar to this one and we can provide you with a very cost-effective project quote.


For more information,  please contact:


Thomas M. Gibbs IIIDirector, Business DevelopmentMansa Systems916-652-5520- Office916-955-4409-

This was selected as the best answer


We are very interested to work in your project, please free to share your requirement with us so that we can move forward.

We have revelant experience therefore we are confident to deliver you a quality solution for your requirement.

Look forward to get your requirement.



Thank you,
Naresh Yadav
Manager- Business Development
Ritwik Software Technologies
Phone: 1-646-367-8069/70