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Need Help ( Tricky Question on Lookup Filters)

HI All,


I am having two custom objects 1)  Roof Details__c  2) Electric Usage__c ( lookup to Roof)..


I want to put filters in the lookup on Electric usage record on below criteria


  • If  Electric usage record is associated with Roof Details like " Ex: ROOF A" then it shldn't show " ROOF A" if  someone wants to associate with  same "ROOF A" record.

 We just need to show the ROOF B, C, D...... in the lookup filter  that are not associated with the other ....


Please help me ??? Thanks in Advance ...


Let me know if you need more explanation or not clear about the question ??







 I doubt if this can be achieved with Lookup filters. In lookup filter you can filter values on some criteria but you can not apply condition like IF it is A then show B else C.


I would suggest you to achieve this programatically.


show all then validate base on requirements :-)

Diya choudhary 7Diya choudhary 7
Whatever i understood from your question you want to filter a Roof object lookup based on the value selected in the Electric usage lookup.
For that u have to create both the lookups on the Roof object and apply filter on electic usage filter.I also met the same requirement it worked.
Diya choudhary 7Diya choudhary 7
Electric usage:Roof  ID NOT EQUALS Electric usage: Roof  ID