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Urgent i cannot refresh sandbox because i cannot see the refresh link



Hi, I am a System Administrator in our application. I am about to refresh a sandbox but the Refresh link does not appear. The type of sandboxes are developer and full. Both sandboxes 'next refresh available' are set to 'Now'. Please help.

FYI: I was able to do a sandbox refresh a week ago. I have a “View Setup and Configuration” and “Modify All Data” permission. I am a System Administrator.


Org in NA8




This usually happens when the Count of Sandboxes used is above the alloted Sandboxes to your Org. 


Check with either Suppport team or Account team the exact count of Allowed Sandboxed and Types of Sandboxes and likely there would be a Sandbox type that is used beyond the alloted number. 


Once confirmed check the overused type and delete one of them that will enable to refresh your Sandboxes again. 


Ex, 2 Full and 2 Developer available, and you are using 1 Full and 3 Developer - out of which you have to check and delete one developer Sandbox. 




If its a full sandbox, it can only be refreshed after 29 days.


satish Kumar