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Which release version to send for subsequent review

Hello Review Team,


I had sent my release package version v1.10 to salesforce review team for review.

This was the 1st review and it did not pass.

However i have done many upgrades and updates to code based on new requirements and currently running v 1.18.

Can i only send the v. 1.18 release version for subsequent review(2nd review process)?



A R Mohan


Yes, when you resubmit for security review due to your initial failure, you can submit the upgraded version. 


Thanks for the info.


I wish to know, if it is imperative that only the latest release be sent for subsequent review, or even the lowest release version can be sent for subsequent review.

The problem with sending the lowest(primary release v1.11 after the 1st review with no: v1.10) is that there have been losts of new
 requirements upto v1.18 and since salesforce doesnt have a code management tool(like cvs or vss) i cannot undo the code.

So i wish to know if review team will accept only the latest version(v1.18) or any lowest version( after the 1st review of v1.10) can be sent?