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Cross domain issue when calling Apex Code from Flex

I’m trying to invoke Apex code exposed as a web service from Flex using the Flex Toolkit, and am having cross domain security issues again.  It works fine when I run it as a local file.  When running from a domain, I get back "Security error accessing url."


The policy file that the Toolkit loads is at:


But the endpoint that I’m calling is at:


The Flash Player Security White Paper says “The scope of the permissions defined in a policy file includes all resources within the directory and within nested subdirectories.”


So it appears that the above policy file only supports API calls, and not Apex Code calls.  Is there, or could there be, a policy file to support both?

Ron HessRon Hess
yes, there could be it would have to be moved or added to the level above the difference in paths.
we'll look into adding this file.
That would be great.
Can you post back here when it's up with its location?