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Trigger selecting using multi-select picklist

When I try to do a select on a multi-select picklist I am getting an error as below, any help would be much apprietiated.

trigger TestingSyntax on Lead (before insert) {

for (Lead a : {

 // the following gets no error but is not what I need.

Assignment__c AssignThis = [select Area_Account_Manager__c from Assignment__c where Country__c = :a.Country and brand__c = 'Edgecam'];

// the following causes the error "Save error: unexpected token: :"

//Assignment__c AssignThis = [select Area_Account_Manager__c from Assignment__c where Country__c = :a.Country and :a.brand__C in brand__c];

// or this alos get the same error.

//Assignment__c AssignThis = [select Area_Account_Manager__c from Assignment__c where Country__c = :a.Country and 'Edgecam' in brand__c];




The syntax of the "IN" operator is wrong, first the fieldname and after the list:

List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
[Select ... where Id in :idList].