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matthewsmithmatthewsmith for Amazon Web Services -- Access Denied

Hi all,


I installed the for Amazon Web Services app into my Developer org and set up my S3 credentials, carefully following the instructions on this page:


However, I consistently get this message, e.g. when I click on the "S3 Samples" tab:


Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: Access Denied faultcode=soapenv:Client.AccessDenied faultactor=


Is there something I have missed in the setup that would cause this error?







Hello Matt,

Did you ever figure out a solution to this issue? I'm stuck here right now.



umesh atryumesh atry
Hi matthewsmith,gina.lasita1.3920678327807358E12,

this erros shows when you are tring to login with wrong credetials. please check your credetials into s3extension in mozilla. where you will get proper message.
finally, this problem due to wrong credetials.
let me know, if you have any doublt.
Jayaprakash Narayan ThatiparthiJayaprakash Narayan Thatiparthi
Hi umesh,

I tried as per your suggessions but I am still getting the issues. Can you please let me know if I am doing anything wrong. I am following the below link:

Antigoni TsouriAntigoni Tsouri
Hi Umesh Atry can you specify the name of the extension you mentioned ?

I am facing the same problem and I tried to test my credentials per your suggestion , but I can't find any amazon s3 extension neither on Mozilla nor on Chrome...

Thansk in advance,
umesh atryumesh atry
you can add plugin s3 fox for fozila , it is helpful to integrate with Amazon S3.
Antigoni TsouriAntigoni Tsouri
So I am opening mozilla firefox --> settings --> add-ons --> Search for 's3', or 'amazon s3' but I can't find any plugin :-(

Do you know the exact name of the plugin ?

Thanks again in advance !
umesh atryumesh atry
you check the this video for Installing S3fox for Mozilla.

I think, you will get all help from these video.