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max poll and poll wait millis attributes

I am getting the following error when I try to deploy my code from dv to test environment:
'Request timed out, check max poll and poll wait millis attributes'
does anyone know what this means?

Message Edited by Nadia on 05-15-2008 01:16 PM

Your deploy failed as it timed out.  The poll options are there for deploying. use the ant script build XML. The default values for pollWaitMillis = 5000 millisec, MaxPoll = 5.   Your deploy might sometimes fails even it does not return the expected.

They should be more than enough, unless you really have huge code. You can increase these values and see if you get an Error Back.
hi, thanks for reply.
Yes I am using deploy xml files and ant. I have just tried to add pollWaitMillis attribute to my delpy task, but I get his error:
'sf:deploy doesn't support the "pollWaitMillis" attribute'
any idea why?.... I have 10.0 version

Could be version issue. can you try with version 12? . Anyway, the actual issue for timeout may be different related to your testing class(dont forget to refer to that while deploying) and your apex code.
strangely,  when I only added maxPoll attribute to deploy task, it recognizezd it and worked fine.
Here is an example that works for me:
      <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" serverurl="${sf.serverurl}" deployRoot="codepkg" maxPoll="10" pollWaitMillis="10000">