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Mirroring a Look-up Field in another custom field

  I believe I need to "mirror" a look-up field in another field for reporting purposes and I can't figure out the right way to do it.

I have created a custom object that tracks enrollments in courses.  in this object I have several look-up fields to simplify things for users - essentially ensuring they not have to enter address info/contact info another time.  The look-up fields I have are for class participant (contact), class supervisor (contact), opportunity, and class (custom object). 

When I go to report on these objects, I can't get a report that gives me info from all the relationships.  However, I was thinking that if I could create a formula field that simply creates a mirror of the text in the look-up box, I could hide that and then get all the reporting I need.

Has anyone had success with something like this?

For the same purpose, I created a text field that I wanted to populate with the custom object lookup value.

I'm trying to store the actual text value of the lookup field, but the actual value of the custom object field is really a hyperlink.

I have found that when you try to use the field update mechanism from the opportunity, the field I need to use for the update value (namely, custom object lookup) is not available in the list.

So, it cigar.
LukDan .... thanks for the reply.  the only way i've found to get the information into a single report is to use the Office plug-in.  I create all the reports I need in the reports section, and then import the reports through excel into the same excel worksheet.   I start one report in one column, then the other report in another.

It works - but it's obviously a bit more of a work-around than I'd like to use.  Let me know if you find out anything that works better.
