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convert an Allday event to hours

Hi All!

I'm not familar with the fomulas so if you can help me... I really thank you
I have successfuly made a report to track events activity in hours.
Unfortunatly, if the event is flaged "All day" the result in hour is 0
how can I create a formula to convert the all day flag to 8 hours?

It might not be the most elegant solution but you may need to create an Event "Hours" formula field that checks to see if the All Day Event flag is set then hours = 24.  Then include Event Hours in your report.

IF( IsAllDayEvent , 24, null)

You will need to decide if you want a value or null when the formula is not True

It was late (and sometimes all day is 24 hours) but you would subsitute what ever value you want in place of the 24.
Thank you very much for your help

now I have 2 sum per Sales rep and type of events one for the alldayHours (my custom field) and another from Duration (hours)
do you know how to do the sum of both?

the answer is :
Custom Summary Formulas
You know another option is to not allow use of All Day Events - take it off your page layout and have users schedule the time.