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AppExchange - preparing for the future

Hi all,
I have created an application using a variety of custom objects and user interface tweaks that means I have a pretty valuable application in my SF account for a specific market, the SF account is currently a trial account but soon to be upgraded to a Pro account.
I'm keen to ensure that I leave the door open for being able to package this app up for resale later so others can benefit from it. But it's unclear to me what the options are.
  • As I've created the app in a trial/Pro account, have I dug myself into a hole by not using a Dev account?
  • Can I replicate all my customisations from one SF account to another?
  • Is my only way forward to set up a Dev account and manually re-create the customisations?
  • Would the best approach be to turn my trial account into a Dev account, and then start using the app from a new Pro account?


Unfortuately I think you're only option is to re-create your work in a new Developer Ediiton account - there isn't a way today to convert a trial to a DE org.
You can use the appexchange to port your work from this org to a developer edition org (org = account). Just package up everything that can be packaged then upload and register it. Once you get the private sharing link, you can use it to install into the Developer Edition account that you already signed up for. Then you can manually migrate any other customizations to this new org.
Jeremy, thank you, that's very helpful.
I uploaded the app to AppExchange and got the private link but when I try to install into the Dev account I've set up I get this:
AppExchange Package not found
The AppExchange package with ID 00D200000005QXr00520000000sK2L could not be found. It may have been deleted by the owner. If you are installing this from a public AppExchange listing, please report this missing package to If you are trying to install a privately shared package, please contact the package owner directly to resolve. "
Am I missing something?
Hi Ollie, I see your uploaded package but it's got a password on it. Do you want to email me the password offline to see if i can install the package?
Hi, I sent the password across to you by PM, but not sure if you got it?
I've still had no luck getting the customisations into another SF account.
Can anyone help me understand pricing for reusing SF apps? Are the costs only applicable when listed in AppExchange? Is it a fixed fee, or %?

Hi Ollie,

Sorry I don't know what you mean by sending the password by PM but another idea is to upload another version of the app without a password in order to install it into your Developer Edition org. Then I can test it myself.

PM is private message. If you check your account here you'll find a message from me containing the password for the app. I can only publish it passworded as I am not prepared at this stage to let it out into the wild.
Do you see my message to you?