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UK CliveUK Clive 

using the if(and

I am trying to get the following to work but I just keep getting Syntax errors
IF(AND(  Zone__c =1, Type="Nextday",​ (KTC__c  * 0.42 + 10.98)  , 0))
any ideas ?
Kind Regards Clive
One you need to close the and statement

IF(AND(  Zone__c =1, Type="Nextday"),​ (KTC__c  * 0.42 + 10.98)  , 0)

Also, if Type is a pick list then you will need to add ISPICKVAL

IF(AND(  Zone__c =1, ISPICKVAL(Type,"Nextday")),​ (KTC__c  * 0.42 + 10.98)  , 0)
UK CliveUK Clive

Thanks for that but now I have hit the "too Big" error


Error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (14,536 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters


i assum thsi is because the first (zone_c) is another formula and sets a zone for each Country in world.

I tried setting up another field to replace ther Zone_c but just setting up


Zone_c + 0


but eben this came out at 7000 ?


Any Suggestions


Regards Clive