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Change a Case Owner via a Button/URL

Hi Everyone,

I have a button that creates new cases by taking information from the Account and Contact tabs and autopopulating the case fields when the button is selected.  I would like to set the owner of the case to someone other than the person that is actually creating the case, but I can't come up with a way to do this.

Any ideas?

My current button does this -{!Contact.Name}&cas4={!Account.Name}&00N40000001VPFb={!Account.Account_Support_Status__c}&00N40000001VPFW={!Account.Support_Region__c}&CF00N40000001VTQJ={!Account.Support_Rep__c}&00N40000001VUGy={!Contact.Phone}&00N40000001VUGt={!Contact.Email}&CF00N40000001VXu2={!Account.Stromberg_Version2__c}&00N40000001VfmF={!Account.Credit_Hold__c}&00N40000001VfmK={!Account.Credit_Hold_Detail__c}&00N40000001VUGZ=1&00N40000001Vfyl={!Account.Support_Hold__c}&00N40000001Vklc={!Account.Support_Notes__c}&00N40000001Vklh={!Account.Connection_Information__c}

But there is no form field for Owner, so I don't know if I can add that information in there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

