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Validation Rule - can this be done? I haven't been able to figure it out....

Hi there, I don't have a lot of experience is creating validation rules, I have up a few, but have modified the "Useful Validation Rules" and have not been able to figure this out.
What I want to do is based on $User Department, restrict the values on the Account Region__c field.  Region__c is a picklist and I want certain folks to have the ability to select items from the picklist.  So    $User.Network_Services__c  = true  then ISPICKVAL(NS-Affiliate, NS-Central, NS-Eastern, NS-Florida, NS-National, NS-VDC, NS Western))
The pick values listed are the ones I want the Network Services folks to be able to select.  So, am I way off base - can anyone help me?  Does my question even make sense? 
Thanks in advance for any help.....


You can't use validation rules to limit the values that a user would see in a picklist.  For that, you should consider Record Types (if you have Enterprise edition).

If that isn't an option, you can use validation rules to prevent users from selecting picklist values that are restricted to certain users.
OK, I was afraid of that.  Aiden, thanks for the reply.