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CreatedDate >= Datetime.valueOf(sagyomotoCdJi) Error: unexpected token:

public sagyosaki__c[] selectSagyosaki07(String syoriTuubann,String sagyomotoCd,String sagyomotoCdJi,String state){

        sagyosaki__c[] sagyosakiList = null;

        sagyosakiList = [select ID from sagyosaki__c
            where sagyomoto_cd__c =:sagyomotoCd  and CreatedDate >= Datetime.valueOf(sagyomotoCdJi) and state__c =:state for update];
        return sagyosakiList;
how can i get the date (  CreatedDate >= Datetime.valueOf(sagyomotoCdJi)  )?
CreatedDate >= Datetime.valueOf(sagyomotoCdJi)  is error?
type is DateTime,how can i make (DateTime1 >= DateTime2) is no error?
sagyosakiList = [select ID from sagyosaki__c
where sagyomoto_cd__c =:sagyomotoCd and CreatedDate >= : Datetime.valueOf(sagyomotoCdJi) and state__c =:state for update];

note the : to bind in the apex value.

Message Edited by SimonF on 07-01-2008 08:38 AM
thank you for your help