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Inbound Email Handler Error - 554 Text body part exceeds max size


I'm using Email Service which is accepting incoming emails from clients.

Lately I have noticed a rather peculiar behavior. Basically any email that has text portion greater than 100k in size is bounced by the system. The handler associated with the email service is not invoked for such emails. Somehow this has started happening recently {I managed to find emails in my system that had size greater than 100k and were delivered fine to my handler}. I tried searching forums and documentation but couldn't find any help there. The bounced email contains the following message

This message was created automatically by the mail system (ecelerity).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

>>> (reading confirmation): 554 Text body part exceeds max size of
>>> 100000

My application relies heavily on email (customers are sending emails which are copied into sf) and emails not reaching SF is very serious for me. Is this limit of 100k customizable? Can I change this behavior of "bouncing" to something else {deliver truncated email perhaps or something else}, If no, can I at-least get a notification in some form in my app about a missed email.

Will appreciate any help.

Guneet Sahai


Did you find a solution? We are experiencing the same problem.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Unfortunately No. We did try talking to SF team, but couldn't come up with a work-able solution.

Before my contract expired for the project, we were thinking of setting up an email relay kind of a program that would intercept our inbound emails to check if their size > 100k as a way to get past the issue.

-- guneet
Rasmus MenckeRasmus Mencke
This is something we are looking at for a future release. I have also created this idea for it:
why is it that a larger text file attachment triggers this?  i'd like to treat text attachments as binary to avoid this rather than having the SF email engine choke at text files over 100k chars.  we regularly have emails sent in with a log file attached, and they easily exceed 100k chars, but are never more than 1MB.