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ConversionRate from CurrencyType on Opportunity

I have multicurrency activated in my org (non advanced) and so the current exchange rates are stored in the CurrrencyType object.
We are global so opportunities are stored in the local exhange rate.  GBP, EUR, CHF etc. and the corporate currency is set as USD.
I need to be able to record an amount (in a new field) on the opportunity in USD but cannot access the CurrencyType object in which to create a formula with the ConversionRate to the local amount field.
Has anyone any "out of the box" solutions as it looks as though I'm going to have to do this in APEX code which seems a little unneccessary.

Per my suggestion we can perform these sort of things in Apex better and then populate in desired field on record. 

Sandeep Singhal
Madhanprabhu Thangadurai 1Madhanprabhu Thangadurai 1

Create an after insert & update trigger on Opportunity Object and do the conversion.
