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Incorrect parameter for TEXT. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received Picklist

Hi All,


I am just confused with this formula error in Rule Critirea of Workflow.The formula is;


IF(CONTAINS(Project__r.Project_Region__c, TEXT(Country__r.Region__c)), false, true) it throws an error saying;


Error: Incorrect parameter for TEXT. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, received Picklist


But when I am using TEXT() function for the picklist field in Add Field Update formula section - TEXT(Country__r.Region__c)) it works!


Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I resolved this by saying "true" in the rule critirea and added this formula in Field Update,

IF(CONTAINS(Project__r.Project_Region__c, TEXT(Country__r.Region__c)), Project__r.Project_Region__c, Project__r.Project_Region__c + ";" + TEXT(Country__r.Region__c))

And its now working fine as I want it to be...


But I am still curious, why is it throwing me the error in "Rule Critirea"?!