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Where is the value of a selectList stored?

I'm new to this Apex stuff, so I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out.  I have an Apex page with a selectList, and I'd like to take the value that the use selects and do something with it on the page.  The code I have doesn't appear to be working, and I can't figure out why.
This is my controller class:
public class SimplePrintLabelsController {
public String selectedLabelTemplateName {get; set;}
public List<selectOption> labelTemplateList {
    get {
        List<selectOption> labelTemplateOptions = new List<selectOption>();
        labelTemplateOptions.add(new selectOption('', '--Select a label template--'));
        for (Label_Template__c lt : [select name from Label_Template__c order by name]) {
            labelTemplateOptions.add(new selectOption(,;
        return labelTemplateOptions;   
And here is the Apex page code:
<apex:page controller="SimplePrintLabelsController">
  <script type="text/javascript">
      function showAlert() {
          alert("You selected " + "{!selectedLabelTemplateName}");
  <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:outputLabel value="Label template: "/>
          <apex:selectList id="labelTemplates" value="{!selectedLabelTemplateName}" size="1" onChange="showAlert()">
              <apex:selectOptions value="{!labelTemplateList}"/>
      <apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:outputLabel value="You selected: {!selectedLabelTemplateName}"/>
As you can see, I'm trying to display the selected value in both an output label and in a JavaScript alert.  However, the selected value is not showing up in either place.  Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks very much!
- Carolyn
I had a similar requirement in a past project. I solved it with the <apex:actionFunction> component. Below is the snippet. I specify an "onclick" event on the <apex:selectList> which invokes the actionFunction defined earlier. And I pass in the "this.value" variable which is set to the selectOption the user has selected.

<apex:actionFunction status="statusForListBucket" action="{!listBucket}" name="listBucket" rerender="listBucketResults">
            <apex:param name="firstParam" assignTo="{!bucketToList}" value="" /> 
<apex:selectList onclick="listBucket(this.value)" value="{!bucketToList}" multiselect="false">
   <apex:selectOptions value="{!BucketNames}"/>



Thanks for the reply.  I still can't quite put this together...what needs to happen in the controller class for this to work?  That is, what should the listBucket method look like?




For starters, note the <apex:param> within the actionFunction. When that actionFunction executes, it sets the parameter/variable "bucketToList" in the controller.

So in my example, there is a simple controller variable, bucketToList, for example:

public String bucketToList {get;set;}

Next, there is also an action method defined in the controller class:

public PageReference listBucket(){ your logic here....but the bucketToList property is already set....


Awesome - my output label is now displaying the name of the selected Label Template object.  I still can't get the JavaScript alert to display the name, but this still helps a lot.  Thanks again!


- Carolyn 


Oh nice man. You helped me alot. with this nice example. Thanks for this.