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Automate email to customer on certain date

Hey guys. This is probably a very, very simple fix, but I'm new with this platform and pretty lost. 


In my custom object, I have two date fields. One that shows the date that the order for our widget was placed, and the other shows when it needs to be delivered by (per our policy: NOW() + 2). Essentially, once the current date, and deliver by date are equal, I want to send a verification email confirming the delivery of our product. 


And that's where I get stuck. Any hints on how to trigger an email to a customer? 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Steve :-/Steve :-/

Yes, your WFR would have a crietia like NOT(ISBLANK(DeliveryDate)) and then you T-D Action (Email) would be set to 0 Days AFTER DeliveryDate 

All Answers

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Which edition of SFDC are you using?


I'm in's Enterprise Edition. 

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Okay what you need to do is create Workflow Rule and a Time-Dependant Action (Email)

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Great! Thanks! 


Can I then just create an outbound message to send at the appropriate time? 

Steve :-/Steve :-/

Yes, your WFR would have a crietia like NOT(ISBLANK(DeliveryDate)) and then you T-D Action (Email) would be set to 0 Days AFTER DeliveryDate 

This was selected as the best answer

That's perfect. Thanks so much for your help. 

Steve :-/Steve :-/

no problem, let me know if you get hung up on anything