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Need help on building an opportunity formula using Last Modified By field

I am one of those people that is a good problem solver, can think out of the box, but can't write formulas if my life depended on it. 


I am trying to create a formula for a workflow that includes the following criteria:


If a custom field (Revision_Number_c) contains "A", and the Record Type contains "XYZ Picklist", and Last Modified By value does not equal the Opportunity Owner value.


Here is my try at the formula so far:



CONTAINS(Revision_Number_c,"A")AND(RecordType,"XYZ Picklist")

AND(LastModifiedBy Value???  (Owner...


I give up.  Can some formula guru help me out?


Also, can anyone give me some advise on where I can get some free lessons?  I have reviewed the SF video in Training.  Too simple (even for me :smileytongue:). 


First off, using an IF statment, wrap the entire portion of the IF statement you want to evaluate for truth in ()


eg IF( (all expressions), true, flase))


Second, to pull values from picklists you need to use Case(), Ispickval(), or text()... so use ISPICKVAL(recordtype, "XYZ Picklist")


When building a formula, use the advanced formula editor- this will let you insert fields without having to look up the field names by hand (all custom fields have two underscores then lowercase c: __c)


Something like this should get you on the right path:



IF( (CONTAINS(Revision_Number__c, "A") && ISPICKVAL(RecordType, "XYZ Picklist") && (LastModified != OwnerID)), True Value, False Value)


What specifically are you trying to accomplish in the workflow rule?



Thank you for your advise.  I actually just finished mapping out our process for Sales Support who prepare quotations for our sales people.  But, our sales people some times do there own quotes as well.  We also use different record types for our company divisions.  So, if a sales person attaches a quote to the opportunity and enters the date of the quote and it is Revision A, he/she must enter the date of the quote and enter the rev# (this is used in our funnel report).  In this case, they do not need to notify themselves :smileywink:


But if Sales Support prepare the quote, I want a workflow to trigger when they attach a new quote and enter the rev # which will notify the sales person that it is available in the opportunity.  By using the IF((OwnerId <> LastModifiedById),TRUE,FALSE)), I can differentiate when a ownercreates the quote (and does not need notification) or when Sales Support create the quote (Sales need notification).


I did finally manage to create a successful formula.  I have a few more to do that are similar so hopefully get some good practice so I don't feel so useless!


Thanks for your response.