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How to tell if Forecast Category has been overridden

Usually the Forecast Category field is driven by the Stage picklist but a user can override this value with the Forecast tab. With Apex is there any way to identify if the Forecast Category field has been overridden?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You can check if the probability is the default probability for this stage. You find all the information you need in the object "OpportunityStage":


Select o.ForecastCategory, o.DefaultProbability From OpportunityStage o where o.IsActive = true




All Answers


You can check if the probability is the default probability for this stage. You find all the information you need in the object "OpportunityStage":


Select o.ForecastCategory, o.DefaultProbability From OpportunityStage o where o.IsActive = true




This was selected as the best answer
Excellent. Thanks.