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How to strip HTML from SolutionNote when copying to another object

This may be common knowledge, but I'm a Java rookie and was pretty pleased with myself when I figured it out :smileytongue: .


If you're working with html solutions and need to use SolutionNote somewhere that doesn't support html formatting, the problem is easily solved using regular expressions like this:



NonHTMLField = SolutionNote.replaceAll('\\<.*?\\>', '');



Message Edited by ehartye on 08-13-2009 05:57 AM
Leif WLeif W

This is bloddy brilliant! :smileyvery-happy:
Thanks a lot!


The solution work perfectly , this saved me lots of time

Mathieu Beausoleil 7Mathieu Beausoleil 7
I know it's a old post, but for the records, the way to do is: 

String s = 'what ever content with html';