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Cross object formula with picklist?

I'm attempting to create a formula field that will the display the data of a field on a related record.


i.e - on the Opportunity record I want to see the last activity date field that is on the account record

My formula is simply Last Activity_c


This works fine


I try to use this with a pick list data type and I get an error.  Is this not possible?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You need to use the CASE function in your formula to display the actual picklist value. Take a look at this example.


Hope that helps,


All Answers


You need to use the CASE function in your formula to display the actual picklist value. Take a look at this example.


Hope that helps,


This was selected as the best answer
Thanks for quick reply!  Your ninja formula skills are sharp:smileywink:

I would like to see the exampe/ This is exactly the problem I'm having. We have a picklist at the accoutnlevel to relte to another account. I want to flow that info down to the opportunity level, and then use that 2nd accoutn to generate it's address so i can sho it on a quote.


I don;t really understand how the case function let's me do that.


PS I am a novice at saleforce-it doesn;t seem to act lie sql