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WSDL doen't have the details of the methods and properties of a generic class

I have created a generic global class A in


A has two member variables.


I've created a web service method returning a list of objects of class A.


When I checked WSDLreference for class A has been created but without no references to its varibles and functons. 


How can we solve this ?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
global class myService {
global class lineItem {
webservice Id product2Id;
webservice double ammount;

webservice static list <Id> createOppty(Id contactId, List <LineItem> items) {
return null;
Message Edited by SimonF on 05-27-2009 10:34 PM

All Answers

You have to mark the members of A with the WebService attribute for those members that you want to be web service exposed.
No, I tried it. But I was not allowed to mark a variable as a web attribute. only methods can be marked as webservice attribute
global class myService {
global class lineItem {
webservice Id product2Id;
webservice double ammount;

webservice static list <Id> createOppty(Id contactId, List <LineItem> items) {
return null;
Message Edited by SimonF on 05-27-2009 10:34 PM
This was selected as the best answer
Thank you. Simon. It works.