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DescribeTabs in Apex Code:

I want get the WebTab URL from Apex Controller. I got a  describeTabs Link Example But i iam getting Error SysLog:


19:04:27 ERROR - Compile error: Invalid type: DescribeTabSetResult


In Eclipse IDE: Invalid type: DescribeTabSetResult  



private void describeTabSet (){  try {    DescribeTabSetResult[] dtsrs = binding.describeTabs();    System.out.println("There are " + new Integer(dtsrs.length).toString() +                        " tabsets defined.");    for (int i=0;i<dtsrs.length;i++) {      System.out.println("Tabset " + new Integer(i + 1).toString() + ":");      DescribeTabSetResult dtsr = dtsrs[i];      String tabSetLabel = dtsr.getLabel();      String logoUrl = dtsr.getLogoUrl();      boolean isSelected = dtsr.isSelected();      DescribeTab[] tabs = dtsr.getTabs();      System.out.println("Label is " + tabSetLabel + " logo url is " + logoUrl + ",                 there are " + new Integer(tabs.length) + " tabs defined in this set.                 This tab is selected: " + isSelected);      for (int j=0;j<tabs.length;j++) {        DescribeTab tab = tabs[j];        String tabLabel = tab.getLabel();        String objectName = tab.getSobjectName();        String tabUrl = tab.getUrl();        System.out.println("\tTab " + new Integer(j + 1) + ": \n\t\tLabel = " +            tabLabel + "\n\t\tObject details on tab: " + objectName + "\n\t\t" +           "Url to tab: " + tabUrl);      }    }  } catch (Exception ex) {    System.out.println("\nFailed to describe tabs, error message was: \n" +                        ex.getMessage());  } 



Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestion. 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Yes, This is the code belong SFDC WebService to get the web tab url.

All Answers


Hi did you ever find a solution for this? I believe we are not able to make this call in Apex. Only through the API.

Yes, This is the code belong SFDC WebService to get the web tab url.
This was selected as the best answer