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Standard field "Owner" is not visible in Enhanced List Edit view -> Step 3 ->Available fields

I want to display Owner (standard field) in the enhanced list view of one of my Object, in Step 3 of Enhanced List Edit View, I did not found Owner field, instead of that I found Owner Alias, Owner First Name, Owner Last Name.


But there is no use for me with those extra fields, I need to show "Owner" in the list view. How can I achieve this ? Plz any one suggest me.




Bindhyachal Kumar SinghBindhyachal Kumar Singh

Hi haripriya.matu,


In satndard way, Owner is not availbe directly in available fields in enhanced list views.


You can make a custom field with type text say OwnerName__c on object.

Then write a trigger after insert and update on Object,

You have to get ownerID of record and then update created customfield ownerName with OwnerID Name.


Now, your  OwnerName__c is available for selection in available fields



Thanks for your reply,

Yes, Owner is not available directly instead of that we can use "Owner Alias". As in sales, leads we can see enhanced list views displaying Owner Alias.

As there is a standard field "Owner" available . I don't want to create a custom field again.

So I am using Owner Alias instead.