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Invalid constructor syntax, name=value pairs can only be used for SObjects

I am using the following code for past 1 year but suddenly today this error cropped up which was not there earlier


Account[] accts = new Account[]{};
        accts.add(new Account(name = 'ApexTestPOSController1', Local_Id__c = 'SimId2009083001'));
        accts.add(new Account(name = 'ApexTestPOSController2', Local_Id__c = 'SimId2009083002'));
        accts.add(new Account(name = 'ApexTestPOSController3', Local_Id__c = 'SimId2009083003'));
        insert accts;



How to get rid of it?


This error is quite erratic too..sometimes coming and sometime going


try changing it to


List<Account> accts = new List<Account>();


I have tried your code,  it works fine except local_id. It may be due to account object local_id field .


Actually now it's not  giving any problem ...I think this is quite erratic..


Hi Guys,


I am new to salesforce.


When i am trying to insert data into an object ,I am receiving the error "Invalid constructor syntax, name=value pairs can only be used for SObjects".




public with sharing class Account {

public Integer total { get; set; }

 public integer Number2 {get; set; }

public integer Number1 { get; set; }

public pagereference Add()
Number1 =Number1;*/
total=Number1 + Number2;

Account a=new Account(Number1=Number1,Number2=Number2,total=total);
insert a;
// Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.insert(a);

return null;



Thanks in advance,
