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!!! Urgent : Need help to access a Field value from a standard method getIdeaList()


     I have a controller that gives the properties of Ideas object that is Body, categories, Id, etc.

I need to access the categories property for each Idea retrieved by the getIdeaList(); method so that i can have a different display  for ideas of some particular category.

I am able to control the display when i go by individual category.

I am unable to access that property retrived by the method.

I have copied the snippet of my code below: (both the page and the controller)


Visualforce Page:

<apex:dataList value="{!ideasWithVotes}" var="ideaWithVote" styleClass="ibtIdeaList ibtIdeaListPadding">
                            <c:ideaDetails idea="{!ideaWithVote.idea}" howUserVoted="{!ideaWithVote.howUserVoted}" returnUrl="  {!currentPageUrl}" />





public IdeaWithVote[ ] ideasWithVotes {
        get {
            if (ideasWithVotes == null) {
                ideasWithVotes = IdeaWithVote.getIdeasWithVotes(getIdeas());
            return ideasWithVotes;
    public String[ ] cat {get;set;}
    public Idea[ ] getIdeas() {
        if (ideas == null) {
            if (controller != null) {
                ideas = controller.getIdeaList();
        return ideas;


Can anyone help me with this isuue.


Thanks in Advance

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Regular ContributorRegular Contributor

Solved my issue. DId some changes in the visualforce page