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Writing test case for simple trigger

I am brand new to Apex and need a litle help writing my first test case.  The trigger to be tested is below (areas in red are what my test coverage is missing):



trigger OpportunityUpdateAccount on Opportunity(after insert, after update) {
List<Account> accsToUpdate = new List<Account>();

for(Opportunity opp :
{if (opp.StageName == '4 - Closed Won' && opp.Hosting__c > 0)
accsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id=opp.AccountID, Type = 'Customer'));
if (accsToUpdate != null && !accsToUpdate.isEmpty())



Test case below:



private class OpportunityUpdateAccountTest{
    static testMethod void testOpportunityUpdate(){
    //Setup the Account record
    Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
    a.Type = 'Customer';
    insert a;
    // Verify that the initial state is as expected
    a = [SELECT Name, Type
        FROM Account
        Where Id = :a.Id];
    System.assertEquals ('Customer', a.Type);
    // setup the Opportunity record
    String opportunityName = 'Test Opportunity';
    Opportunity o = new Opportunity(AccountId=a.Id, name=opportunityName, StageName='4 - Closed Won', CloseDate = );
    //Cause the Trigger to execute
    insert o;
    //Verify the results
    a = [SELECT Name, Type
        FROM Account
        WHERE Id = :a.Id];

A key thing that I am missing from my trigger is adding a Product to the Opportunity.  This effects the  field 'Hosting__c'.  This is a rollup summary field of the total price of the Products under the Product Family "Hosting", that are or course added to the Opportunity,  How would I go about adding in a Product line item in my test case so that I can make my test meet the criteria of 'Hosting__c > 45'?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Finally figured this out.  I forgot to specify the Product2Id on my Opportunity...Hence the error I was getting.  Final code:



private class OpportunityUpdateAccountTest{
    static testMethod void testOpportunityUpdate(){
    //Setup the Account record
    Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
    a.Type = 'Customer';
    insert a;
    // Verify that the initial state is as expected
    a = [SELECT Name, Type
        FROM Account
        Where Id = :a.Id];
    System.assertEquals ('Customer', a.Type);
    // setup the Opportunity record
    String opportunityName = 'Test Opportunity';
    Opportunity o = new Opportunity(AccountId=a.Id, name=opportunityName, StageName='4 - Closed Won', CloseDate =,Pricebook2Id = '01s60000000MgzS' );
    OpportunityLineItem optLI = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = o.Id, Quantity=1, TotalPrice = 1, PricebookEntryId = '01t60000002fTY0');
    //Insert the opportunity
    insert o;
    //Insert the Product
    insert optLI;
    //Verify the results
    a = [SELECT Name, Type, Closed_Date__c
        FROM Account
        WHERE Id = :a.Id];


Thanks for all the help, everyone!


All Answers

Ritesh AswaneyRitesh Aswaney

Hey again !


This bit of code should do it :


OpportunityLineItem optLI = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = o.Id, Quantity=1, TotalPrice = 1, PriceBookEntryId = [Select Id from PriceBookEntry LIMIT 1].Id);
insert optLI;


Try adding the highligthed lines to your code and see if it works for you.



private class OpportunityUpdateAccountTest{
static testMethod void testOpportunityUpdate(){

//Setup the Account record
Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
a.Type = 'Customer';
insert a;

// Verify that the initial state is as expected
a = [SELECT Name, Type
FROM Account
Where Id = :a.Id];
System.assertEquals ('Customer', a.Type);

// setup the Opportunity record
String opportunityName = 'Test Opportunity';
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(AccountId=a.Id, name=opportunityName, StageName='4 - Closed Won', CloseDate = , Hosting__c = 10);

//Cause the Trigger to execute
insert o;

//Verify the results
a = [SELECT Name, Type
FROM Account
WHERE Id = :a.Id];

Opportunity opp = [select Id, Name, AccountId, StageName, Hosting__c from opportunity where Id= :o.Id];

opp.Hosting__c = 45;
update opp;




Hope this helps you/


That definitely has me on the rigth track, but I think I am misunderstanding the use of the PriceBookEntryId.  We only have the default Standard Price Book.  I have seen examples of this used in other triggers, but how do I go about finding the appropriate API name to call it?


The best way is through eclipse IDE


Finally figured this out.  I forgot to specify the Product2Id on my Opportunity...Hence the error I was getting.  Final code:



private class OpportunityUpdateAccountTest{
    static testMethod void testOpportunityUpdate(){
    //Setup the Account record
    Account a = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
    a.Type = 'Customer';
    insert a;
    // Verify that the initial state is as expected
    a = [SELECT Name, Type
        FROM Account
        Where Id = :a.Id];
    System.assertEquals ('Customer', a.Type);
    // setup the Opportunity record
    String opportunityName = 'Test Opportunity';
    Opportunity o = new Opportunity(AccountId=a.Id, name=opportunityName, StageName='4 - Closed Won', CloseDate =,Pricebook2Id = '01s60000000MgzS' );
    OpportunityLineItem optLI = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = o.Id, Quantity=1, TotalPrice = 1, PricebookEntryId = '01t60000002fTY0');
    //Insert the opportunity
    insert o;
    //Insert the Product
    insert optLI;
    //Verify the results
    a = [SELECT Name, Type, Closed_Date__c
        FROM Account
        WHERE Id = :a.Id];


Thanks for all the help, everyone!


This was selected as the best answer

Hi    Stollmeyera


Could you please tell me from where you are fetching the PricebookentryId and Pricebook2ID....The ids u have used in these two fields in the test case above is coming from Products object?

I need to implement the same in my Org...




Hi   Stollmeyera


Could you please tell me from where you are fetching the PricebookentryId and Pricebook2ID....The ids u have used in these two fields in the test case above is coming from Products object?

I need to implement the same in my Org...






I believe I used the Excel Connector, which allows you to access the pricebook table directly and view the ids 


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