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Chamil MadusankaChamil Madusanka 

Update query in SOQL


I'm new to salesforce, APEX and SOQL. I want to know, how can we update some record using SOQL in APEX code?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You can't update records using SOQL - it is a query only language.


You would update record using Data Manipulation Language (DML).  E.g. to query a record and then update it you could use the following snippet:



List<Contact> conts=[select id, Email, Description from Contact where email='' limit 1];

if (!conts.isEmpty())
   Contact cont=conts[0];
   cont.Description='Updated description';
   update cont;


More information on DML is available in the Apex Developer's Guide at:|dml


All Answers


You can't update records using SOQL - it is a query only language.


You would update record using Data Manipulation Language (DML).  E.g. to query a record and then update it you could use the following snippet:



List<Contact> conts=[select id, Email, Description from Contact where email='' limit 1];

if (!conts.isEmpty())
   Contact cont=conts[0];
   cont.Description='Updated description';
   update cont;


More information on DML is available in the Apex Developer's Guide at:|dml


This was selected as the best answer
Chamil MadusankaChamil Madusanka
Hi Bob, It works. Thanks

Thanx.... Even this query help me too


Can anyone tell me what's wrong?, I get this when I do that...


System.LimitException: pato:DML currently not allowed
Class.pato.ListOpportunities.getMyObjectOpportunities: line 354, column 1


The line 354 is where I have "update opp"


 thank you.


Chamil MadusankaChamil Madusanka

You can't execute DML in the Constructor (or call a method that executes DML from a Constructor)


If this is the controller for a VF page, you can use the action parameter on the page to directly execute addcomment, and that is allowed I believe.