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Test class

Hi All


Can you please help me to write a test calss for the following code.


private void createOrderASOCs(Id orderId, Id accountId, QuoteLine__c[] orderASOCs){
        System.debug('In createOrderASOCs() Function');
        //******************** ASOCs ********************
        List<ASOCs__c> insertASOC = new List<ASOCs__c>();
        List<Maintenance_Plan__c> insertMaint =new List<Maintenance_Plan__c>();
        for(QuoteLine__c asoc:orderASOCs){
            System.debug('Looping Lines (ASOCS)');
            String tnId;
            Double currQTY=asoc.Quantity__c;
                System.debug('Adding TN Level ASOCS');
                for(QuoteTelephoneNumberConfig__c orderTNs:asoc.Quote_Telephone_Number_Config__r){
                    tnId = tnMap.get(orderTNs.QuoteTelephoneNumber__r.Name);
                    System.debug('    Current TN ID:'+tnId);
                    insertASOC.addAll(buildTNAsocs(tnId, orderId, asoc,1));
                    currQTY -=1;
            //********* Working with the Main BTN *********
                System.debug('Adding BTN Level ASOCS');
                tnId = tnMap.get(mainBTN);
                System.debug('    Current BTN Id:'+ tnId);
                insertASOC.addAll(buildTNAsocs(tnId, orderId, asoc,currQTY));
            //Maintenance Plan
            if(asoc.MasterProduct__r!=null&&asoc.MasterProduct__r.QuantityType__c=='Maintenance Plan'){
                System.debug('Creating Maintenance Plan');
                Maintenance_Plan__c maintPlan = new Maintenance_Plan__c();
                maintPlan.Account__c = accountId;
                maintPlan.Order__c = orderId;
                maintPlan.Maintenance_Plan_Type__c = asoc.MasterProduct__r.Name;
                maintPlan.Monthly_Maintenance_Rate__c = asoc.Price__c;
                maintPlan.Contract_Term__c = asoc.Term__c;
                maintPlan.Contract_Start_Date__c = asoc.Quote__r.Contract_Start_Date__c;
            System.debug('Adding PIC and IPIC');
            for(ASOCs__c tmpASOC:otherASOCS){
            System.debug('Inserting ASOCS');
            insert insertASOC;
        //insert Maint Plan objects.
            System.debug('Inserting Maint');
            insert insertMaint;
    private ASOCs__c[] buildTNAsocs(Id tnId, Id orderId, QuoteLine__c asoc, Double qty){
        List<ASOCs__c> tnASOCs = new List<ASOCs__c>();
        ASOCs__c orderASOC = new ASOCs__c();
                System.debug('    ASOC Name:'+ asoc.Product__r.Name);
                System.debug('    ASOC has Null Product');
                System.debug('    ASOC Name:'+ asoc.CustomAsoc__c);
        //Check for BOM Items
        System.debug('ASOC BOM Items');
            QuoteLineBomItem__c[] tmpBMs = asoc.Quote_Line_BOM_Items__r;
            for(QuoteLineBomItem__c bom:tmpBMs){
                System.debug('Looping BOM Items');
                ASOCs__c bomASOC = new ASOCs__c();
                    System.debug('ASOC has Null Product');
        return tnASOCs;


I can't write the test class for you, but I do have a few comments:



  1. You've defined the methods as private, so you'll need to either put the unit tests in the same class as the methods, or re-define the methods as public so you can call them from a separate unit test class.
  2. Using a separate unit test class is a best practice for a few reasons, one of which is that code defined in a unit test class doesn't count against your org's code limits. 
  3. As a general approach, when you write your unit test, you should insert any records that you want to test against, then call the methods you're testing, then use System.assert* statements to verify the results.