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Export the Contacts as Google Spread sheet

Hi All   I need to display the contacts as google spread sheet. For this I wrote the page .

My page is    

<apex:page standardController="contact">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script>
<script src="/soap/ajax/10.0/connection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!top) var top={};
top.retURL = "/003";
var g; 
function init() {
  sforce.debug.println = log;   
  sforce.debug.trace = false;

  g = new GoogleSpreadsheet();
  var query = 'Select FirstName, LastName, Phone From Contact Limit 5';
  var queryResult = sforce.connection.query(query, queryCallback );

function queryCallback(queryResult) {
  var cellFeedUrl = getCellFeedUrl();
  var contacts = queryResult.getArray('records');
  for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) {
    g.updateCell(cellFeedUrl, i+1, 1, contacts[i].LastName + ", " + contacts[i].FirstName);
    g.updateCell(cellFeedUrl, i+1, 2, contacts[i].Phone);

  // Return to the contacts page

function getCellFeedUrl() {
  var SPREADSHEET_TITLE = ' Contacts';
  var WORKSHEET_REL = '';
  var CELLSFEED_REL = '';

  // Query to find the spreadheet called " Contacts"  
  var spreadsheets = g.getFeed(g.feeds + '/spreadsheets/private/full'); 
  var entries = g.getEntryList(spreadsheets);
  for (var e in entries) {
    if (g.getTitle(entries[e]) == SPREADSHEET_TITLE) {
      var worksheetsFeedUrl =[e],WORKSHEET_REL);
      var worksheets = g.getFeed(worksheetsFeedUrl);
      var worksheetEntries = g.getEntryList(worksheets);
      return[0], CELLSFEED_REL);

function log(string) {
  var doc = document.getElementById("log-output");
  doc.innerHTML += string + '<br>';

function jumpback() {
  retURL = top.retURL; // one more override 
  if ( window.opener && typeof(window.opener) == 'object' ) { // deal with popup
    window.opener.location.href = retURL;
  } else { // normal parent close
    window.parent.parent.location.href = retURL; 

<body onload="init();">

  <img src="/img/icon/home32.png" height="64" width="64" />
  <img src="/img/waiting_dots.gif" alt="Please wait..." title="Please wait..." height="25" width="196" />
  <img src="" />
  <p><h3>Exporting contacts to Google Spreadsheets, please wait...</h3></p>


 This code is running. I am getting the contacts in Eclipse.but the contacts are not visible in Google spread sheet. How can I handle this.Please help me 

