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Exposing Apex methods as web services Question

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to understand how to expose Apex methods as webservices using webservice keyword.


Here is what I understood, after creating a web service method in an apex class, I generate the WSDL for that class and hand it over to the external application developer.


What I don't understand is, will the external developer be required to call login() method ? ( as we do in web API)


consider the following class:


global class MyWebService {
    webService static Id makeContact(String lastName, Account a) {
        Contact c = new Contact(lastName = 'Weissman', AccountId = a.Id);
        insert c;


how do we call MyWebService.makeContact method? do we have to use connection/binding ? ( as we do in web API)


Finally , can we use any of the web API calls (like retrieve() ) within the client (when it only has WSDL from this particular class) ?


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


In, you need to first do a login call to authenticate yourself.

Otherwise system will not be able to locate your ORG.


Please use partner or enterprise wsdl (Setup –Develop --API) in conjunction with the custom wsdl that you have developed from a web services APEX method to establish the login.

Once you establish a session you can directly call your webservices method.


But the example of the method created here is a bad example as for doing that you alraday have create method in the web services API.

Thanks and Regards,

Dinesh Nasipuri


All Answers



In, you need to first do a login call to authenticate yourself.

Otherwise system will not be able to locate your ORG.


Please use partner or enterprise wsdl (Setup –Develop --API) in conjunction with the custom wsdl that you have developed from a web services APEX method to establish the login.

Once you establish a session you can directly call your webservices method.


But the example of the method created here is a bad example as for doing that you alraday have create method in the web services API.

Thanks and Regards,

Dinesh Nasipuri


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for the fast reply Nasipuri.   I'll try to use Enterprise WSDL and the custom WSDL together.


Yes. That example might be a bad one. My actual requirement is I have a custom object RFD with a field Status. The external application should change the field status on RFD depending on its own events.


I was thinking of writing an apex method as webservice, so that all they(external app) needed to do was call that method and pass in a string and my apex method (webservice) will change status field on SFDC. I wanted to do this as I though it might simplify the external application side code.


But from your answer, it doesn't look as simple as I thought. Do you think for my requirement, its better to go with web API or a custom webservice method?


Yes , For your Case the Custom web servic method will add value .


You can design the method good way to take a String/number to identify the unique RFD record and take another paramater , updated ststus.


I'll try and do that. Can you link to an example( to use webservice method, i.e custom WSDL and Enterprise together)? I tried the documentation but couldn't find client side implementation on it.


Thanks a lot for your help.


If you are using JAVA then the code will be like below


/* ExposeAccount is the APEX CLASS Name

* loginResult is the SFDC Login result , that we get through a successfull login call to SFDC


ExposeAccountBinding = (ExposeAccountBindingStub)new ExposeAccountServiceLocator().getexposeAccount(); com.sforce.soap.schemas._class.exposeAccount.SessionHeader sh1 = new com.sforce.soap.schemas._class.exposeAccount.SessionHeader(); sh1.setSessionId(loginResult.getSessionId());


ExposeAccountBinding.setHeader( new ExposeAccountServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI(), "SessionHeader", sh1); //Develop a method to call your web service method through ExposeAccountBinding ExposeAccountBinding.METHOD_NAME(METHOD PARAM/s) ; __________________________________________________________

But need to have some experience of Web service client.


Thanks and Regards,

Dinesh Nasipuri



Thank you.