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Access to Production

One of my customers wants is not keen on providing access to me to the salesforce data in Production. However I need to be able to read/edit objects on Production, and also be able to deploy code from Sandbox to Production.

Is there a way via which access to Production can be set up such that I do not get access to the data, but do get access to the objects and code.


Please respond as soon as possible.



If the intent is to restrict access to the data only while retaining access to other schema level changes. The easiest way to implement that is to set the access level of all the object to "Private" in that way if you are not the owner or creator of any data or records you wont be able to view it.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 



How we will deploy code from sandbox to production when we have not the login credential of production?


Without credentials you cannot deploy. One of the way-outs can be create a package in a developer org and share the package installation url with your client so that he/ she can install the newly created things, but the only catch being that there should not be any duplicate component included in the package.