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Retreiving string values from a list



This is probably a very simple question but I cant seem to find an answer to it. I have a list of type String and I have a loop which assigns the relevent item in the list to the string but I always get an error.

It is looking for a list type variable, an example is below:

List<String> task_names = new List<String>();

for (Integer task_number = 0; i < task_names.size(); i++) {

Task t1 = new task();

t1.Subject =  task_names.get[i];




I have tried a few ways of assign the value in the list to the string but it always seems to cause an error. When I used just task_names[i] on its own there was no error when I compliled but there was an array out of bounds exception when I tested it on our sandbox?

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



The exception is caused because of this line :


for (Integer task_number = 0; i < task_names.size(); i++)

{ ..... }


Here in your for loop, you are not defining integer i but you are incrementing it!


So try changing this line to : 


for (Integer i = 0; i < task_names.size(); i++)

All Answers


Try this,


List<String> task_names = new List<String>();

List<Task> TaskList = new List<Task>();

if(task_names.size() >0){

for (Integer i=0; i < task_names.size(); i++) {

Task t1 = new task();

t1.Subject =  task_names[i].getValue()];






insert TaskList;




If the reply resolves your problem, please mark it as the solution to the post so that others may benefit.



Try the below code as reference:

List<String> task_names1 = new List<String>();
for (Task task_names :[select id, subject from task])
System.debug('@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' +task_names1);


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 




The exception is caused because of this line :


for (Integer task_number = 0; i < task_names.size(); i++)

{ ..... }


Here in your for loop, you are not defining integer i but you are incrementing it!


So try changing this line to : 


for (Integer i = 0; i < task_names.size(); i++)

This was selected as the best answer

thanks Vishal, I cant believe that I didnt spot that!